murder charge againts 31 detainees dropped

December 17th, 2007 by poobalan | View blog reactions Leave a reply »
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The drama is about to end soon. After nearly 3 weeks of high-octane action of creating mountains out of molehills, the story now spirals towards an anti-climax, with a predictable ending. Everyone will go back happy (except those 5 blokes) and pretend nothing ever happened. Status quo is maintained. Malaysians value peace, money, and things that does not need much thinking over street protests.

I remember that there’s a quote saying “melayu mudah lupa”. how about the indians? So far, about 80% of the people i talked to in the last two weeks clearly know who they are going to vote (or not) in the next election (hmmm…the may say one thing and do another!). the longer BN waits to call for election the better. time heals, as the saying goes.

Hindraf 31: Attempted murder charge dropped
Soon Li Tsin | Dec 17, 07 12:41pm

Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail today dropped the attempted murder charge against 26 Hindraf supporters who were alleged to have gathered illegally at the Batu Caves temple in the early hours of Nov 25.

However two counts of causing mischief and illegal assembly against the 26 remain.

Also dropped are all charges against four students.

In all 31 Hindraf supporters were charged with attempted murder of a policeman and they have been in remand since Dec 4 after being denied bail.

Representations were made by several Indian-based political parties, including MIC and MIC and some Indian-based non-government organisations for the attempted muder charge to be dropped against the 31.


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