Archive for the ‘BornInMalaysia’ category

Mandatory Halal Certification Proposal

September 8th, 2024
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Few days ago the Minister in charge of Islamic affairs mentioned that JAKIM is studying if want to make halal certification compulsory for all eateries that does not serve pork or alcohol (refer  or He admitted that it would require changes in various laws. Obviously the first question would be is this even constitutional! Maybe it is just an initial proposal by them to test the water. There are already voice opposing it such as Theresa Kok (which our UMNO youth leader was fast to oppose and Ganabatirau (  While some are misguided and say this is purely a Muslim affair, let’s be clear that any decision on this affects all Malaysians so there is no such thing as this is a religious matter for Muslims only. Let’s review this proposal.

Why the idea is good?

  • Increase number of cert holders, boost for KPI of the agency. This move can easily increase the number of businesses having certificate.
  • Improve standing of country as halal proponent.
  • Score brownie points with Muslim voters as the threat of opposition looms. Current PM need to be seen as Islamic and not under control of liberals. This will also weaken opposition claims that govt is not Islamic enough.
  • Bring in revenue for govt through the certification and renewal fees.
  • Increase confidence among Muslim customers as a shop without cert is automatically non-halal.
  • Business can tap into the big Muslim market which is strong in domestic market. Our Muslim consumers are getting affluent and able to spend well for food.
  • provide a bit employment opportunity as need to hire staff specifically for halal requirement.

Why it may not be a good idea after all

  • Does it really solve the issue? The issue of (1) using false certificates or (2) proclaiming halal but actually not having certificate, won’t be solved by making it mandatory. Businesses can still cheat by not applying for cert and yet claim as halal. And then, the dept will need more staff for enforcement, thus leading to more cost for govt. There is already an app, so why not just teach consumers to use it.
  • The actual issue may be with Muslim operators. As it is, majority applicants are already non-Muslims as per July 2023 ( So the market forces and business strategy can naturally get them to apply, not only for food, but other products too. Why want to force force lah? But on the other hand, Muslim operators may not be inclined to apply since there is the unwavering faith that the Muslim operators will be following the halal requirements already. They realize that fellow Muslim will visit their shop regardless got cert or not, since its Muslim owned. So why bother applying? Maybe then, a better idea is to force Muslim operators to apply?
  • Why not implement easier solution such as ban use of “Muslim friendly” signages. “No pork, no lard” still OK as got people of other faith that don’t consume pork based, its not only for Muslims.
  • There are businesses that don’t sell pork or alcohol, but they may not target Muslim market, for example vegetarian shops or Indian restaurants. So now they will be forced to apply if they are made mandatory. Different businesses may have different target market depending on their location and owners. So, let the market conditions and owner preference dictate if a business needs to apply for cert or not.
  • May lead to unnecessary business constraints such as cannot use name like root “beer”, or vegetarian outlet can’t have “pork meat rice” even though it is made from vegetarian material.
  • Or business that want to escape this mandatory rule as forced to serve pork or alcohol, so that they will be exempted. This can be just “on paper” (pretend to sell) and not actually serve them, so as to avoid this certification unnecessary headache.
  • If the issue is health reasons, then the relevant non-religious requirements such on preparation area, packaging, food handling, sourcing etc. from halal handbook can be extracted and used by KKM, KPKT and local councils to improve the regulations for licensing. This actually benefits ALL Malaysians and should be the main focus.
  • The fallacy that Muslim operators no need to apply halal cert as they are bound by religion ( Unless those Muslim operators are prosecuted in Syariah court when they are caught for cleanliness issues, we can’t see this being some reliable. We can see dirty eateries regardless of owner/operator’s religion. The personal faith is not something legally binding and we cannot discriminate businesses based on their owner’s religion.
  • Can non-Muslim owned eateries still display prayer altar or religious verses, playing religious songs in the morning after get halal cert? if not then it goes against the constitution for stopping others from practicing their faith in their daily lives. Lot of Hindus businesses prayer in the morning and even play religious hymns before or during start of business. The display of other religious symbols etc. can lead to confusion and construed as bringing disrepute to the halal labeling.
  • The idea of implementing a religious element on businesses that are not religious can be unconstitutional and challenged in court.
  • Govt face more unhappiness from non-Muslim voters which leads to pressure on the relevant component parties.
  • Cost of doing business increases due to the application process, the changes that need to be implemented including hiring specific staff, and the renewal costs.
  • If implemented, it should be done for all, not just non-Muslim eateries. Non-Muslims would also want to eat in healthy environment which is promoted by the cert.
  • The cert also limits how the business can advertise or promote their business as the business cannot bring disrepute to the halal name. So questions will arise if a model wearing short skirt or dress can promote the eatery, or can promotion advertisement done with temple as background. Any promotion (or any other activity) that is deemed contradictory to halal (and by extension Syariah and Islam) can become a problem.
  • In addition to pork and alcohol, must also include cigarette as exemption as it is also haram.
  • Finally, there is also a thought that cert or no cert, Muslims must only support Muslim businesses (BMF). This group exists and this means, for a non-Muslim operator, applying for halal cert won’t make much difference if Muslim patrons don’t spend at their shops. 

SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1 and Chinese New Year Decorations

January 7th, 2020
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SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1 hits the limelight again after about 5 over years. Previously there was some news about students getting hysteria way back in 2014. Anyway, back to the issue at hand.

According to this lawyer, parents (some/few/many?) complained about the decorations done at the school for the upcoming Chinese New Year. so this guy, who is vice president of Parti Bumiputera Persaka Malaysia (why isn’t this a surprise?) wrote a letter on behalf of the parents to the school demanding that the decoration be removed.

Let’s look at the letter’s content:

Adalah kami merujuk kepada perkara yang tersebut di atas.

2. Biro Aduan Awam dan Undang-undang PUTRA telah pun menerima aduan daripada ibu bapa berkaitan dengan perhiasan berkaitan sambutan perayaan tahun baru Cina di SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1.

3. Aduan-aduan yang kami terima menggambarkan rasa tidak selesa dan tidak senang hati ibu bapa berkaitan dengan perhiasan yang keterlaluan di sekolah Puan untuk sambutan perayaan tahun baru Cina 2020. Ada juga ibu bapa yang membayangkan keadaan Sekolah yang seolah-olah telah di hias seumpama gedung perniagaan milik China dan terdapat unsur-unsur keagamaan Selain Agama Islam yang telah mendatangkan perasaan tidak aman dan Damai di kalangan pelajar beragama Islam dan bertentangan dengan Perkara 3(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. <Me: does one expect the decoration to be different according to building? Schools must have different decoration than other premises? Only China owned buildings can decorate? Also, its not China but Cina.  So far, we have learned in school that Chinese New Year is more of a cultural festival. We can read many stories in the media where converts also celebrate Chinese New Year. Unless there is some deity images or some cute pig images, nothing wrong in putting decorations in school. The only issue I can find is possibly too much decorate, but hey, that’s the whole point of wanting to experience the feeling of festival celebration. Aside: This is also the reason why you can’t simply close down vernacular schools since its not only about learning the language, but include experiencing the culture as well>

Di lampirkan gambar-gambar perhiasan yang di maksudkan di sekolah Puan.

4. Selanjutnya, PUTRA juga menyatakan bahawa tindakan Puan membenarkan perhiasan berlebihan untuk perayaan agama masyarakat Cina ini di sekolah Awam juga adalah bertentangan dengan Perkara 12(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang menyatakan bahawa “tiada sesiapa boleh menerima apa2 ajaran agama atau menyertai apa2 Amalan agama Selain ugamanya sendiri”. <Me:Attempting to scare by quoting the constitution. Putting up decorations is not attempting to proselytise. Haiyo, ini pun tak faham…>

5. Selanjutnya, tindakan Puan ini juga adalah satu bentuk penyebaran dakyah agama lain di kalangan pelajar beragama Islam yang bertentangan dengan Perkara 11(4) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. <Me: yeah, another attempt to misdirect and abuse the constitution.>

6. PUTRA dengan ini memberikan masa 3 hari kepada Puan daripada Tarikh surat ini untuk menurunkan semula kesemua perhiasan perayaan keagamaan kaum Cina di SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1.

7. Sekiranya pihak Puan enggan untuk berbuat demikian, kami akan melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk tindakan lanjut. <Me: wonder who one should report to? Jabatan Agama?>



Oklah, consider that there exists a bunch of parents who lived under coconut shell all their lives, shocked to see red color decorations in school. They go and complain to this person. At least this person, being a learned person, could have explained that this is Chinese New Year decoration, another 3 weeks will be gone. But no…he went on to write letter. Well, wishful thinking.

But the one that takes the cake is the reply from the HM via email which the guy posted on FB and reported in the media. According to the reply, the HM claimed that she was not informed of the decoration plans (maybe done over weekend?). She also said that the relevant parties will remove the decoration after she had admonished them.

I’m not sure if this is the correct response to an factually incorrect letter. Maybe the HM should refer to district education office so as to not offend our citizens by relenting to wrong reasons. At most, maybe she can say that the decorations has been reduced but to accept that the decoration is challenging Article 3(1) – Islam as official religion of federation, 12(3) – forcing to take part in other religion, or 11(4) – propagating to Muslims, is very irresponsible. The HM should have done better especially being a person of standing in the education field.

Sad to read this kind of news right?

Edit: If anything, I would be proud of whoever it was (parents, teachers, PIBG etc) who took the effort to decorate the school.

Matriculation Misery for Indians

April 19th, 2019
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For those who don’t get the above (hint: watch the ending of Bahubali), there is a proverb in Malay: harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi.

For last one week, we have been hearing all kinds of rumours about the matriculation results which came out on 15th April. For last few years, Indian community were given additional seats (1500) as a means of tool to uplift the community socioeconomically. It offered a faster and cheaper route to university.

After winning the elections last year, the Minister even announced ADDITIONAL 1000 seats for B40 from Chinese community. I’m happy for that. Everyone had high hopes, felt good. and expected thing to remain SAME for this year. Since no news from MOE saying others, its good lah right?

When parents started to line up at Putrajaya this week for rayuan (appeal), seems like things have changed. But why no information for coming?

Then today, MOE released the following statement (refer their FB ) on “penjelasan lanjut”. In this statement its clearly mentioned that MOE is sticking to old formula of 90/10 (90% bumiputera and 10% for others). This means, about 2500 seats only for non-bumiputera (total seats about 25,000). Is it possible for Indian community to get 1500 places from a quota of 2500?

Secondly, there is a quota within quota, meaning within the initial racial quota, 60% of seats is for B40 groups and balance is for M40 and T40. Fine with us. Its good.

The problem with reverting to old system is that not informing your stakeholder/customers in advance accordingly. Why never inform last year when the application was opened? By keeping quiet you have misled them into believing their kids have a chance of furthering their studies in a cheaper, faster way. As it is, places for Asasi (foundation) has been reduced tremendously for non-bumiputera (only 2 or 3 IPTA offering), leaving only Form 6 or diploma studies at IPTA/Politeknik as public education options. Was it due to a string of by-elections, by any chance? To me, this is cowardice and betrayal.

At the very least, MOE can inform that this is the last time giving extra seats for other communities. Next year onward will be back to 90/10. At least we all will know where we stand, can plan ahead and not waste time applying.

This move by MOE leadership also puts unnecessary pressure on the Indian ministers in cabinet. They now have to figure out how to get out this hole. Maybe they should all resign en-bloc as sign of protest.


The irony, just this week our PM said this:

The best investment that can be made is in education. Education raises the potential of the individual through value-added means, which, in turn raises the potential of businesses and economies to perform well,” he said in his speech at the Asia School of Business’ (ASB) Master of Business Administration (MBA) convocation ceremony, here, today.

Are you investing wisely?

PS: no need heroics by later increasing seats and saying that the government has listened. That is so old. We are beyond that.


Fruit Plus candy contains beef gelatine

June 22nd, 2018
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I’m sure many of us have come across this Fruit Plus candy before. Its commonly available in restaurants, mini markets, convenience store and is also one items provided in party packs for children’s functions. There are a variety of flavors (refer available.

For conservative Hindus and Buddhists (and also vegetarians), do remember to read the ingredients.

As you can see above, its stated “Mengandungi gelatin makan daripada lembu” and “Contains edible gelatine from beef”.

Unfortunately, quite a few Indian restaurants also sell this product. Hopefully consumers are more vigilant.

General Elections GE14 Indian Candidates Results

May 10th, 2018
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This post is continuously updated until all results are finalised.

last updated: 4.25 am 10 May 2018. All updated except 2 seats in Selangor.


Pengundi: 100,900
Datuk P.Kamalanathan (BN) (27,392)
Leow Hsiad Hui (PKR)
P.Kumar (BEBAS) (426)
Dr. Wan Mat Sulaiman (PAS)
GE13 : Datuk P.Kamalanathan (BN) Majority: 3,414


Pengundi: 20,734
K.R. Parthiban (BN) (6800)
Idris Ahmad (PKR)
Jefri Mejan (PAS)
T. Kumaran (PRM) (76)
GE13: Idris Ahmad (PKR) Majority: 739


Pengundi: 36,034
Datuk Ir. Md. Nasir Ibrahim (BN)
Mohd. Sany Hamzan (PKR)
Koh Swe Yong (PRM)
Zaidy Abdul Talib (PAS)
B. Rajandran (108)
GE13: Zaidy Abdul Talib (PAS) Majority: 7,467


Pengundi: 30,873
Datuk N.Rawisandran (BN) (6072)
Amirudin Shari (PKR)
Mohammad Ibrahim (PAS)
Badrul Hisam Md Zin (BEBAS)
GE13: Amirudin Shari (PKR) Majority: 3,261


Pengundi: 40,264
Datuk Johan Abdul Aziz (BN)
Mohd. Rais Zulkifli (PKR)
S. Arutchelvan (PSM) (1293)
Mad Shamour Mad Kosim (PAS)
GE13: Datuk Johan Aziz (BN) Majority: 4,757


Pengundi: 82,698
Datuk Ang Chin Tat (BN)
Gobind Singh Deo (PKR) (60429) Majority: 47635
Mohd. Rosharizan Mohd Rozlan (PAS)
GE13: Gobind Singh Deo (DAP) Majority: 32,802


Pengundi: 42,882
Chai Ko Thing (BN)
Datuk Seri David Sew Kah Heng (PAS)
Rajiv Rishyakaran (PKR) (29,366) Majority: 25,835
GE13: Rajiv Rishyakaran (DAP) Majority: 15,842


Pengundi: 73,448
A.Pakas Rao (BN) (16,681)
Sivarasa Rasiah (PKR) (43,631) Majority: 26,634
Zainurizzaman Moharam (PSM)
Nuridah Mohd Salleh (PAS)
GE13: R.Sivarasa (PKR) Majority: 26,719


Pengundi: 40,953
Datuk Halimaton Saadiah Bohan (BN)
Shatiri Mansor (PKR)
Siti Rohaya Ahad (PAS)
Sivarajan Arumugam (PSM) (435)
GE13: Halimaton Saadiah Bohan (BN) Majority: 1,527


Pengundi: 106,124
Datuk M.Mohana (BN) (26412)
Datuk Abdullah Sani Hamid (PKR)
S.Manikavasagam (PRM) (525)
Dr. Abdul Rani Osman (PAS)
GE13: G. Manivannan (PKR) Majority: 23,790


Pengundi: 32,181
Khairul Anuar Saimun (BN)
Fakhrulrazi Mohd Mokhtar (PKR)
Nor Najhan Mohd Soleh (PAS)
S.Manikavasagam (PRM) (346)
GE13: Dr. Abdul Rani Osman (PAS) Majority: 9,079


Pengundi: 37,089
Datuk Saroni Judi (BN)
Dr. Daroyah Alwi (PKR)
Wan Hasrina Wan Hassan (PAS)
N. Ghandi (PRM) (120)
GE13: Dr. Daroyah Alwi (PKR) Majority: 7,846


Pengundi: 36,854
Dr. Mohd. Khairi Hussin (BN)
Datuk Abdul Rashid Asari (PKR)
Jeichandran Wadivelu (PRM) (52)
Dr. Halimah Ali (PAS)
GE13: Datuk Teng Chang Khim (DAP) Majority: 11,309


Pengundi: 136,222
Datuk Chin Eu Boon (BN)
Charles Anthony Santiago (PKR)
Khairulshah Kotapan Abdullah (PAS)
G.Puvananderan (BEBAS)
GE13: Charles Anthony Santiago (DAP) Majority: 24,685


Pengundi: 28,604
Datuk Sheikh Rajesh Sheikh Ahmad (BN)
Azmizam Zaman Huri (PKR)
V. Shanmuga Sundram (PSM)
Khalid Nayan (PAS)
GE13: Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim(Bebas) Majority: 2,994


Pengundi: 54,864
Tee Hooi Ling (BN)
Tony Leong (PKR)
G.S Santokh Singh (PAS)
GE13: Tan Pok Shyong (DAP) Majority: 9,176


Pengundi: 41,261
R. Subramaniam (BN) (4506)
Dr. Gunaraj George (PKR) (38,106) Majority: 33,600
M. Telai Amblam (PRM) (79)
Rajan Manikesavan (PAS) (1722)
PS Rajoo (95)

GE13: V. Ganabatirau (DAP) Majority: 13,369


Pengundi: 121,126
V.Gunalan (BN) (17,874)
Mohamad Sabu (PKR)
Mohamed Diah Baharun (PAS)
GE13: Dr. Siti Mariah Mahmud (PAS) Majority: 29,395


Pengundi: 38,342
Tiew Hock Huat (BN)
V. Ganabathirao (PKR) (28,617) Majority: 21,639
Burhan Adnan (PAS)
Abdul Razak Ismail (PSM)
Rajasekaran (93)
GE13: Mat Shuhaimi Shafiei (PKR) Majority: 12,510


Pengundi: 89,075
Shahril Sufian Hamdan (BN)
Dr. Xavier Jayakumar Arulanandam (PKR) (43,239) Majority: 17,112
Datuk Yahya Baba (PAS)
GE13: Abdullah Sani Hamid (PKR) Majority: 5,358


Pengundi: 23,989
Ng Chok Sin (BN)
Ronnie Liu (PKR)
Rohaya Mohd Shahir (PAS)
Harry Arul Raj Krishnan (79)
GE13:Lai Nyuk Lan(DAP) Majority: 1,972



Pengundi:  55,350
Datuk Seri Dr. S.Subramaniam (BN) (18,584)
Santhara Kumar (PKR) (24060) Majority: 5,476
Khairul Faizi Ahmad Kamil (PAS)
GE13: Datuk Seri S. Subramaniam (BN) Majority: 1,217


Pengundi: 21,958
Tan Chong (BN)
Dr S. Ramakrishnan (PKR) (9705) Majority: 2457
GE13 : Lim Eng Guan (DAP)  Majority: 1,401


Pengundi: 22,726
Datuk M Asojan Muniyandy (BN) (7192)
Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed (PAS)
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin (PKR)
GE13: M. Asojan (BN) Majority: 310


Pengundi: 17,834
Datuk Hassan Johari (BN)
Azman Ibrahim (PAS)
S Jeganathan (BEBAS) (364)
Md Ysahrudin Kusni (PKR)
GE13: Datuk Seri Saipolbahari Suib (BN) Majority: 1,455


Pengundi: 19,842
Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi (BN)
Mohd Jubri Selamat (PAS)
Murugan Muthusamy (PKR) (7085)
GE13: Abd. Mutalip Abd. Rahim  (BN) Majority: 2,518


Pengundi: 21,399
Teoh Yap Kun (BN)
Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali (PKR)
Shamugam Munisamy (BEBAS) (61)
GE13: Teoh Yap Kun (BN) Majority: 103


Pengundi: 22,738
R.Vidyananthan (BN) (10.768) Majority: 2,861
Noorlihan Ariffin (PKR)
GE13: R. Vidyananthan (BN) Majority: 7,801


Pengundi: 28,638
K.Raven Kumar (BN) (12,309) Majority: 5,765
A Rahman A Hamid (PAS)
Rahamizon Abdul Ghani (PKR)
GE13: K. Raven Kumar (BN) Majority: 13,014


Pengundi: 60,686
Datuk Maulizan Bujang (BN)
Azman Atmin (PAS)
Gopalakrishnan Subramaniam (PKR) (26,573) Majority: 8,098
GE13: Datuk Maulizan Bujang (BN) Majority: 8,178


Pengundi: 61,079
Datuk Tan Cher Puk (BN)
R Kumutha (PAS) (2,605)
Liow Cai Tung (PKR)
GE13: Liow Cai Tung (DAP) Majority: 1,460


Pengundi: 70,928
Datuk S.Kanan (BN) (12,233)
Tan Hong Ping (PKR)
GE13: Dr. Boo Cheng Hau (DAP) Majority: 18,050



Pengundi: 26,015
Datuk Boey Chin Gan (BN)
Datuk Johari Abdul (PKR)
Muzaini Azizan (PAS)
M Palaniappan (BEBAS) (167)
GE13: Dr. Leong Yong Kong (BN) Majority: 1,296


Pengundi: 41,654
Datuk Jaspal Singh (BN) (9,449)
Summugam Rengasamy (PKR) (17,573) Majority: 5,635
Dr Mohd Ali Sulaiman (PAS)
GE13: R. Krishnamoorthy (PKR) Majority: 530


Pengundi: 101,829
Shahanim Mohamad Yusoff (BN)
Datuk Johari Abdul (PKR)
Shahrir Long (PAS)
Sritharan Pichathu (PRM) (279)
GE13: Datuk Johari Abdul (PKR) Majority: 9,548


Pengundi: 74,621
Datuk Dr. Leong Yong Kong (BN)
Karupaiya Mutusamy (PKR) (31,274) Majority: 8813
Muhamad Sobri Osman (PAS)
GE13: Surendran Nagarajan (PKR) Majority: 8,437


Pengundi: 44,938
Thuraisingam Muthu (BN) (7,489)
Azman Nasrudin (PKR)
Ahmad Taufiq Baharum (PAS)
GE13: Azman Nasrudin (PKR) Majority: 9,084



P.115 BATU
Pengundi: 73,533
Dr. Dominic Lau Hoe Chai (BN)
Azhar Yahya (PAS)
VM Panjamothy Muthusamy (BEBAS) (383)
Prabakaran M Parameswaran (BEBAS) (38125)
GE13: Chua Tian Chang (PKR) Majority: 13,284


Pengundi: 71,916
Datuk Dr. Loga Bala Mohan (BN) (7,442)
Yeoh Tseow Suan (PKR)
Mohd. Solleh Abdul Razak (PAS)
GE13: Lim Lip Eng (PKR) Majority: 19,199



Pengundi: 32,048
Datuk C. Sivaraajh (BN) (10,307) Majority: 597
Wan Mahadir Wan Mahmud (PAS)
M. Manogaran (PKR) (9710)
Mohd. Tahir Kassim (BERJASA)
Suresh Kumar (PSM) (680)
GE13: Datuk Seri G.Palanivel (BN) Majority: 462


Pengundi: 19,505
Leong Tack Man (BN)
Chiong Yoke Kong (PKR)
Datuk S. Kumar (PAS) (600)
GE13: Leong Ngah Ngah (DAP) Majority: 3,144


Pengundi: 67,359
Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (BN)
Wong Tack (PKR)
N. Balasubramaniam (PAS) (5,706)
GE13: Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (BN) Majority: 379


Pengundi: 11,971
Datuk R. Goonasekaren (BN) (3879)
Kamache A. Doray Rajoo (PKR) (4374)  Majority: 495
Mohd. Khairuddin Abdullah (PAS)
T. Karunaneethi (BEBAS) (145)
GE13: Kamache A. Doray Rajoo (DAP) Majority: 117



Pengundi: 24,860
Ang Chor Keong (BN)
Fabian George Albart (PFP)
Teoh Chai Deng (PRM)
M Hari Devyndran (MU) (106)
Soon Lip Chee (PKR)
GE13: Lim Hock Seng (DAP) Majority: 11,855


Pengundi: 18,414
J. Dhinagaran (BN) (3918)
M. Satees (PKR) (10,701) Majority: 6,783
Jasper Ooi Zong Han (PFP)
Teoh Huck Ping (PRM)
Teoh Uat Lye (MU)
GE13: A. Tanasekharan (DAP) Majority: 5,161


Pengundi: 59,144
Jayanthi Devi Balakrishna (BN) (9130)
Kasthurirani Patto (PKR) (42,683) Majority: 33,553
Jay Kumar Balakrishna (PAS) (2636)
Datuk Ooi Khar Giap (PFP)
GE13: P. Kasthurirani (DAP) Majority: 25,962


Pengundi: 16,064
Suresh Muniandy (BN) (2194)
P.Ramasamy Palanisamy (PKR) (11243) Majority: 9049
Ooi Khar Giap (PFP)
M Samuganathan (PRM) (37)
G Asoghan (33)
Isumary Retnam (BEBAS) (23)
GE13: Prof. P. Ramasamy (DAP) Majority: 7,959


Pengundi: 23,334
Hartini Tan Abdullah (BN)
Goh Choon Aik (PKR)
Kumaravelu Arumugam (PAS) (735)
Ong Seong Lu (PFP)
Goh Bee Koon (PRM)
GE13: Law Choo Kiang (PKR) Majority: 11,020


Pengundi: 12,752
Tang Heap Seng (BN)
Lim Guan Eng (PKR)
Tan Gin Theam (PCM)
R Manikandan (MU) (83)
GE13: Lim Guan Eng (DAP) Majority: 7,744


Pengundi: 19,927
Lim Swee Bok (BN)
Gooi Zi Sen (PKR)
Chew Seng Tung (PRM)
Koay Teng Lye (MU)
Ragindran Sivasamy (BEBAS) (87)
GE13: Lau Keng Ee (DAP) Majority: 13,600


Pengundi: 72,772
J Baljit Singh (BN) (12,529)
RSN Rayer (PKR) (50,700) Majority: 38,171
Tan Sim Bee (MU)
GE13: Ooi Chuan Aun (DAP) Majority: 25,750


Pengundi: 22,034
Lee Boon Ten (BN)
Jagdeep Singh Deo (PKR) (13,712) Majority: 9,561
M Nicholas Diane (PFP)
Lim Boo Chang (MU)
Muhammad Majnun Abdul Wahab (BEBAS)
GE13: Jagdeep Singh Deo (DAP) Majority: 5,020


Pengundi: 84,755
Low Joo Hiap (BN)
Ramkarpal Singh (PKR) (65,622) Majority: 55,951
Lai Xue Ching (MU)
GE13: Ramkarpal Singh (DAP) Majority: 37,659


Pengundi: 29,541
Hng Chee Wey (BN)
Kumaresan Aramugam (PKR) (21,079) Majority: 17,273
Vikneswaran Muniandy (PAS) (1176)
Teoh Kean Liang (PFP)
Teoh Kok Siang (MU)
GE13: T. Jayabalan (PKR) Majority: 9,857


Negeri Sembilan

Pengundi: 11,336
Datuk L. Manickam (BN) (3702) Majority: 1,062
S Musliadi Sabtu (PKR)
Mohd Fairuz Mohd Isa (PAS)
S. Surash (BEBAS) (2640)
GE13: Datuk L. Manikam (BN) Majority: 2,691


Pengundi: 20,629
Leaw Kok Chan (BN)
J. Arul Kumar (PKR) (14,219) Majority: 9,825
Mohd Abu Zarim Abdul Rahman (PAS)
GE13: J. Arul Kumar (DAP) Majority: 4,047


Pengundi: 18,634
Lim Kok Kian (BN)
Chew Seh Yong (PKR)
S. Balamurugan (PAP) (92)
GE13: Siow Kim Leong (DAP) Majority: 8,270


Pengundi: 88,403
Ng Kian Nam (BN)
Cha Kee Chin (PKR)
Mohd Khairil Anuar Mohd Wafa (PAS)
A. David Dass (PAP) (302)
GE13: Teo Kok Seong (DAP) Majority: 24,101


Pengundi: 15,158
Datuk Hasim Rusdi (BN)
Ismail Ahmad (PKR)
Mohd Khairil Anuar Mohd Wafa (PAS)
A. David Dass (PAP) (46)
GE13: Datuk Hasim Rusdi (BN) Majority: 1,511


Pengundi: 15,144
Yap Siok Moy (BN)
Mary Josephine Prittam Singh (PKR) (10,018) Majority: 6560
P. Saraswathy (PAP) (66)
GE13: Marry Josephine Prittam Singh (DAP) Majority: 1,964


Pengundi: 20,541
Ho Choy Shin (BN)
Yap Yew Weng (PKR)
T. Parimala Devi (PAP) (101)
GE13: Wong May May (DAP) Majority: 6,089


Pengundi: 15,761
Datuk Choong Vee Hing (BN)
P. Gunasekaren (PKR) (13,760) Majority: 10,507
X. Sagaya Rajan (PAP) (99)
GE13: P. Gunasekaren (DAP) Majority: 3,335


Pengundi: 70,524
Datuk V. Mogan (BN) (18,515)
Danyal Balagopal Abdullah (PKR) (36,225) Majority: 17,710
Mahfuz Roslan (PAS)
GE13: Datuk Kamarul Baharin Abbas (PKR) Majority: 1,579


Pengundi: 14,926
R. Thinalan (BN) (3,336)
M. Ravi (PKR) (7,366) Majority: 4,030
Kamarol Ridzuan Mohd Zain (PAS)
GE13: M.Ravi (PKR) Majority: 3,260


Pengundi: 19,107
Koh Kim Swee (BN)
S. Veerapan (PKR) (9,568) Majority: 4,758
Abdul Razakek Abdul Rahim (PAS)


Pengundi: 27,894
T. Thangarani (BN) (2,682)
A. Sivasumbramaniam (PKR) (18,005) Majority: 15,323
R. Mohanarani (PSM) (813)

Pengundi: 81,399
Leong Chee Wai (BN)
V. Sivakumar (PKR) (52,850) Majority: 43,868
K. Kunasekaran (PSM) (955)

Pengundi: 24,729
K. Thankaraj (BN) (1,753)
Cheah Poh Hian (PKR)
M. Sarasyathy (PSM) (944)

Pengundi: 22,842
Chang Gwo Chyang (BN)
Leong Cheok Keng (PKR)
K. Bawani (PSM) (213)

Pengundi: 45,174
Datuk M. Saravanan (BN) (16086) Majority: 614
Mohamed Azni Mohamed Ali (PKR)
Norazli Musa (Pas)

Pengundi: 31,242
Datuk Khairuddin Tarmizi (BN)
G. Manivannan (PKR) (10,220)
Mohd. Misbahul Munir Masduki (Pas)

Pengundi: 31,439
Kong Sun Chin (BN)
Terence Naidu @ Raja Naidu (PKR) (19,480) Majority: 14,520
S. Kumaresan (Pas) (939)

Pengundi: 12,922
P. Panirchelvam (BN) (4,085)
G. Saminathan (PKR) (4,392) Majority: 307
Emransyah Ismail (Pas)