Posts Tagged ‘BN’

We got Federal level Hindu Endowment Board?

July 3rd, 2014
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I was quite surprised to read that one the portfolio to be handled by newly minted Minister in PM Department, (Gerakan President and recently elected Teluk Intan MP) Mah Siew Keong is overseeing the Hindu Endowment Board.

Mah, who is Gerakan president, also has the responsibility of overseeing the Hindu Endowment Board, which administers endowments such as land, property, burial grounds or funds given for the benefit of the Hindu community.


I asked MIC via tweet, but as usual, no response. I think asking the party office bearers also would be get same results.

Google search also didn’t reveal anything other than the Penang Hindu Endowment Board.

If such a board exists, who are its members? When was it established? Where’s the accounts? Why no info about it on PM Dept (JPM) website? How to contact the board? What does it administer and how? Added: Doesn’t creation of a board requires an Act of Law?

How many Hindus in Malaysia are aware such a board exists?

BTW, a frivalous question, is Mah a Hindu?


UPDATE 10/7: According to futher clarifications, the HEB referred to Mah’s portfolio is the Penang HEB of which chairman is currently Penang DCM Dr Rama. Mah’s job is to oversee the board which basically consists of presenting the board’s accounts in cabinet (sort of overglorified report presenter). That’s all. He has no power in running the board since Penang HEB is under Penang HEB Ordinance. A bit of history, the British created a Mohammedan and Hindu Endowment Board Act in 1906 to centralise and organise funds for these two religions (Islam and Hinduism). The Act was for straits settlement states (Penang, Malacca and Singapore). Prior to Malaya’s independence in 1957, the laws were streamlined, and all concerning Islam went into respective state jurisdiction. Only Penang enacted the Penang HEB Ordinance to maintain its board at state level. Singapore after splitting from Malaysia also maintained its Act. Thus there is not Act nor Ordinance (except in Penang) in Malaysia for establishment of any HEB.

Thaipusam holiday in Kedah soon?

July 15th, 2013
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I know, got plenty of serious things to blog about….am still compiling materials. In the mean time, what PR govt failed to do in last 5 years may come back to haunt it. Newly elected BN govt is saying that wheels are set in motion to make Thaipusam a public holiday in Kedah. Not sure if its possible by 2014 (still got 7 months++). If it succeeds, then it will look bad on PR especially the PKR reps who were even EXCO in the state. If the promised Tamil schools are completed by next election and no other controversies, then can say the Indian votes in Kedah are secured for BN for GE14.

Let’s see how this progresses…(and back to more serious stuff like conversion and IPTA intakes — coming up soon)


 Kedah is likely to get a public holiday for the Hindu festival of Thaipusam, in keeping with an election promise of the Barisan Nasional.

The application for a Thaipusam public holiday is to be discussed at the weekly meeting of the state executive council on Wednesday, said State Religion, Indian and Siamese Community Affairs, Human Resources and Tourism Committee chairman Mohd Rawi Abd Hamid.

“I hope the outcome of the meeting will bring good news to Hindus in Kedah because the time has come for Thaipusam to be a state public holiday as Kedah has almost 20,000 Hindus,” he said after a visit to the site of the Sri Ramakrishna Organisation building in Alor Semadon, here, Sunday.

The Sri Ramakrishna Organisation was established to conduct free motivation, religious, computer and music classes for youngsters. The organisation has applied for RM40,000 from the state government to conduct these classes.

Meanwhile, Kedah MIC treasurer R. Muniandy said the application for a Thaipusam public holiday was submitted a long time ago.

In 2008, the Pakatan Rakyat promised to consider the matter if it won the election but the promise remained just that after the pact came to power in the state.

“We are thankful to the BN for having taken the initiative to grant the Thaipusam public holiday much-awaited by Hindus in Kedah,” he said. – Bernama


Indians can be kingmakers says caretaker PM

April 11th, 2013
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Few interesting points:

Reality factor and emotional factor: What was addressed so that confidence increased? Both factors?

No temples demolished in Selangor by Barisan because its not administered by Barisan, but prior to 2008? Maybe The Star wrote wrongly here.

Meeting with Hindraf: So, PM stressed on moderation while Hindraf is viewed as extremists by certain quarters ( Both “moderate” and “extremist” is subject to interpretation). And looks as if PM saying he made Hindraf trio understand. So, who will give way now?

Everyone vote is important, and more so the vote of ethnic Indians in the crucial areas.

Aside: Note that Star keep forgetting caretaker word when comes to PM, but refers Khalid Ibtrahim as head of the Selangor caretaker government (example at 5th para in this article). Why ah? selective memory loss is it?

The Indian community can be the determining force in the general election although it does not form the majority in any parliamentary seats or state constituencies, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Indians, he said, had a big role to play because their percentage as voters in most constituencies could be the determining factor.

“We saw Barisan Nasional’s dismal performance in 2008 and among the factors was the Indian community’s reduced support. But I believe this situation has been reversed.

“We have done studies there is the reality factor and the emotion factor. We (now) see that the Indian community has more confidence in Barisan,” he said in a special interview in the Tamil edition of BernamaTV’s Hello Malaysia programme last night.

Najib pointed out that in Selangor, no temple had been demolished by Barisan while the Pakatan-led state government had taken action against some, including private ones.

Indian voters, he added, could ensure Barisan’s overall victory, especially in states like Selangor, Perak, Penang, Johor, Negri Sembilan and Kedah.

He said he was touched that parties like the Indian Progressive Front and Indian non-governmental bodies were not only supporting but working to ensure a Barisan win.

On some Indians’ lack of confidence in the MIC despite their overall support for him, Najib said: “Ours is a system of parliamentary democracy. My name is not on the ballot papers but those who represent me in certain areas are representatives from MIC.

“Therefore, they (voters) must regard MIC candidates as part of my team.”

Najib said ultimately, what was important were not certain individuals but the party which would be forming the government and the person appointed as prime minister.

Expressing his satisfaction with his first meeting with Hindraf (Hindu Rights Action Force) recently, Najib said he welcomed their role in wishing to resolve problems involving the Indian community.

“I said I accept it, it’s good. The more people there are who want to help the Indian community, the more effective our efforts will be,” he said.

Najib said he had also explained to Hindraf leaders that there was no place for extremists in Malaysia and that political extremists were dangerous.

“That’s why we must lean towards moderation. If we are moderate in our stand (and) our demands, it will be easy for us to seek solutions. They (Hindraf leaders) understood,” he said.


Bottom line (we are at the bottom of this article!) : Vote wisely macha!

Summary of PM Najib goodies during Unity Ponggal concert

February 3rd, 2013
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I watched the Unity Ponggal event (organised by MIC and an NGO) via TV. The HD version was good. The performances were OK, but the theme of event totally spoilt by the speeches, especially by MIC leaders. Disgraceful comes to mind. Saying unity but talk about politics.

Anyway, the most anticipated moment is PM Najib’s speech as he is expected to announce goodies (remember last year event at Kapar?). The list below is what he had mentioned today:

1. He will discuss with Education Minister Muhyiddin on possibility of converting those partially-aided SJKTs, who agree to be converted, into fully aided ones in stage.

2. TAFE college to be upgraded to technical university college

3. funding for pre-school education to be provided in SJKTs

4. funding to upgrade 15 crematoriums and community centres in areas where Indian community population is high.

5. to focus on reducing crime among Indian youths, increase equity to 3% and improve access to higher education.

The goodies were quite general in nature (and some like 3% equity is stale news), so expect the details to arrive…probably after GE13. I’m always wary of the (yet-t0-be-seen)  fine prints. The upgrading of TAFE is something MIC asked for, during the AGM.

Myself quite disappointed because PM (i) didn’t declare holiday for Ponggal, (ii) didn’t lift suspension on Vishvaroopam, and (iii) didn’t announce that places in matrikulasi and asasi IPTA will be open to all.

Oh yeah, he also mentioned something about “Indians, including Indian Muslims” when talking about money changers business. Struck me as odd.

Interestingly, PR also held a Ponggal function today in Klang, and yes, it was also politically-toned.

Abusing our festivals.


MIC General Assembly requests to be in Budget 2014

December 14th, 2012
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General assemblies of political parties will see a slew of resolutions being passed. Same with the recently concluded MIC general assembly. 6 resolutions were passed. Various “requests” were made, and according to MIC President, the PM will study these “requests”. And he mentioned that the bulk of it would be in Budget 2014, meaning not next year la (well, Budget 2013 is over already).

Anyway, some of 2011 requests were approved, for example more places in matriculation and increasing allocation for Indians in the budget 2012.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will study the various requests made by MIC during its just-concluded general assembly.

“We didn’t ask for a lot. We made specific financial requests. I raised them in the recent Cabinet meeting and he agreed. The bulk will be included in the 2014 Budget.

“The Government has given a total RM1.8bil to the Indian community since he took over as Prime Minister,” said party president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel.

Palanivel had in his presidential address asked the Government to set up a 1Malaysia incubator fund for the Indian community in order to attract young minds; RM10mil for Yayasan Strategik Sosial to train young entrepreneurs; RM10mil to expand MIC’s pilot after-school remedial programme, as well as a RM30mil grant to MIED and a matching grant to AIMST University, among others.
