Was watching TV2 Tamil news yesterday. Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan was talking about the recent matriculation intake. Out of the 1500 seats allocated to Indian students, 1394 was taken up. Initially more than 6000 students applied, and in the first round nearly 1200 were selected. some of the rejected their places and thus the balance 4000+ who appealed (nearly all who applied appealed) were review and few more were selected.
My question is, out of the 4000 over applicants, we can’t even get 1,500 candidates? Even after review those who appealed? Very strange.
Have a look at the minimum qualification required to apply matriculation:
a) Syarat kelayakan minimum bagi mengikuti Program Matrikulasi ialah seperti berikut :
Jurusan Sains
1. C Bahasa Melayu
2. C Bahasa Inggeris
3. B Matematik
4. C Matematik Tambahan
5. C Kimia
6. C dalam satu(1) mata pelajaran daripada berikut :
- Fizik
- Biologi
Jurusan Perakaunan
1. C Bahasa Melayu
2. C Bahasa Inggeris
3. C Matematik
4. C dalam dua (2) mata pelajaran daripada berikut :
- Prinsip Perakaunan
- Ekonomi Asas
- Keusahawanan
- Perdagangan
- Sains Tambahan
- Fizik
- Kimia
- Biologi
- Mata Pelajaran Teknik (Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam / Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekanikal/ Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik / Teknologi Kejuruteraan/ Lukisan Kejuruteraan
5. E Matematik Tambahan
Aliran Teknikal
1. C Bahasa Melayu
2. C Bahasa Inggeris
3. B Matematik
4. C Matematik Tambahan
5. C Fizik
6. C dalam satu (1) mata pelajaran daripada berikut :
- Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam / Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekanikal/ Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik atauTeknologi Kejuruteraan
7. E E
8. B Lukisan Kejuruteraan
source: http://apps5.moe.gov.my/matrikulasi/permohonan/min_o.cfm
I have two relations with string of As who didn’t get the place even after appealing. So what gives? Logically, if you got 6000 over applicants, who all meet the minimum requirements, you can easily fill up the 1500 seats. And yet got 106 places left vacant. That’s 7% gone, and probably the chance for 106 students to get education. did the 106 reject after appeal approved? Didn’t turn up last minute due to campus allocation?
Anyway, I don’t think will get answer to the question.
UPDATE July 5: According to reply from Dep Minister P Kamalanathan via twitter (reply link here):
Yes sir @mpoobalan 4 d remaining 318 places @KemPendidikan offered 356 students a place 2 do Matrics, but only 212 students accepted d offer
So out of the 356 appellants offered place, 212 (59.5%) accepted and 144 rejected (40.5%). Quite high rejection rate. Maybe due to late appeal results which means they have taken other options, or wrong appellants given offers.
BTW, application for 2015 intake is now open. Refer http://apps5.moe.gov.my/matrikulasi/permohonan/login.cfm
Sir, my family friend’s (Indian Christian) daughter got 9As for SPM. She has been a straight As student since UPSR, & her lifelong dream is to pursue a career in medicine. After her SPM results, she applied for matriculation. However, her application got rejected without any valid reason given. Can you imagine how she was crumbled? She was so broken hearted that she couldn’t eat for days.
When it came to my attention, I advised her & my friend to appeal & not lose hope. After that, our nightmare started. Do you know how many people we had to see, almost every political party & NGO that we knew, including MIC? No one could clearly advise us, until I suggested that we see Datuk Johan, the BN ADUN, based on my own experience. He & his staff were the ones who prepared the Surat Sokongan & advised us to resubmit the appeal with the supporting letter from him. Thank God, her appeal was accepted & she was offered a place for Matriculation, finally. Her happiness knew no bounds. To see the girl that I have known since birth & someone that consider my own daughter like that, brought tears of joy to my eyes. Now you say that not enough Indian students qualified for Matriculation? I ask the so called Deputy Minister to scrutiny the no. of matriculation applications from Indian students & see how many applications were really not qualified & how many were but not offered a place, for whatever reason. I see you have already asked him in Twitter but no response, right? You won’t be getting any, that is the performance of our MIC!
Even my son, who got 5As for UPSR in 2012 & wanted to go to a high performance school (Sekolah SBT), had his application rejected without any valid reasons given. I appealed the first time & it too was rejected. I literally cried seeing the disappointment in my son’s eyes of not achieving his dream. I started calling & asking around until someone suggested that I call the local ADUN or politicians for support. Seeing that my ADUN was a PR candidate, I knew that it was not going to work. So I searched high & low for the local district MIC chairman’s contact details. I contacted him, told him of my predicament & asked his advice. Do you know what he told me? He said that he didn’t know what kind of support letter I required & asked me to draft it out myself fro him to sign! He is the politician & used to all these support letters, I’m just a simple parent trying to do his best for his son! Finally, a teacher friend suggested that I see Datuk Johan. I did, & true enough, his support letter ensured that my second appeal was accepted. My son is now happily studying in the school of his dreams. It was this experience that prompted me to advise my friend to see Datuk Johan for his daughter’s appeal.
So to the MIC, I say this: Helping just your members & cronies is not enough. If you can’t help the Indian community, you are no longer relevant! So to all our ministers & deputy ministers & parliamentary secretaries of MIC, stop spewing rubbish, & start backing up your talk with affirmative action. The people will take notice & get behind you, regardless of who they were supporting before.