Archive for the ‘Others’ category

Marriage and Divorce statistics in Malaysia 2008-2012

December 11th, 2013
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Some stats on marriages between 2008 and 2012 (5 years period) in Malaysia:

Marriages: 1.2mil (estimated) Muslim marriages (if total up the figures from all the states, its 908,489 marriages only. Not sure how 1.2mil was derived) and 329,209 non-Muslim marriages. 21.5% of marriages are non-Muslims.

Divorces: 210,326 Muslims and 42,507 non-Muslims. 16.8% of divorces are non-Muslims cases. Divorce rate is 17.5% for Muslims and 12.9% for non-Muslims.

It would be interesting to see the marriage and divorce trends over the same period. Wonder if marriage rate is dropping while divorce rate is rising.

Obviously, one wonders why need to have this statistics divided by religion, in the first place.

About 1.2 million Muslim marriages were registered in the country between 2008 and 2012, the Dewan Negara was told.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said the highest number was registered in Kedah, at 115,288, followed by Kelantan (108,675), Selangor (108,104), Johor (106,503) and Perak (80,880).

Sabah, he said, recorded 71,642), while Pahang had 69,647, Terengganu (66,427), Sara­wak (39,568), Kuala Lumpur (34,744), Negri Sembilan (33,717), Penang (29,196), Malacca (27,095), Perlis (13,408), Labuan (3,142) and Putrajaya (453).

Jamil Khir was replying to a question raised by Senator Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim who wanted to know the number of marriages and divorces in all communities.

He said 210,326 Muslim divorces were recorded over the same period, with Selangor topping the list with 28,570 cases, followed by Johor (17,075), Kedah (16,315), Kelantan (15,489), Pahang (12,552), Perak (12,309), Terengganu (10,918), Kuala Lumpur (10,690), Sabah (8,758), Sarawak (7,566), Negri Sembilan (7,279), Penang (6,968), Malacca (6,043), Perlis (2,864), Labuan (639) and Putrajaya (164).

The state Islamic affairs departments and the syariah courts undertook the registration of Muslim marriages and divorces, he said.

Jamil Khir said 329,209 non-Muslim marriages were registered during the same period. He also said that 42,507 cases of divorce were concluded in the courts. — Bernama


SJKT St Joseph to go online for new school campaign

June 14th, 2013
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Looks like the school board has decided not to waste time waiting. As for me, I had informed Deputy Minister P Kamalanathan, and according to him “Have been informed sir @mpoobalan am waiting for more details and will seek clarification as well.” (ref here).

Hopefully the school’s predicament does not become another disaster for MOE and MIC.


Giving way: St Joseph was built in 1924 on wooden stilts. Today, it still stands on the same wooden stilts.

Giving way: St Joseph was built in 1924 on wooden stilts. Today, it still stands on the same wooden stilts.

THE board of governors of an 89-year-old Tamil primary girls school in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur will start an online campaign to push the government to build the promised new school.

SJK (T) St Joseph’s board of governors chairman Alice Fatimah said as a start, they would initiate a petition and obtain signatures from parents of children studying in the school as well as the public.

“We will also set up a Facebook page to create awareness on the campaign,’’ Alice said.

She expected that things would get moving after the school’s Sports Day on June 15.

“We will call for a meeting with the board to discuss details and mobilise the parents,’’ she added.

Alice said the board felt that relying on politicians alone to resolve the issue was not enough.

There isn’t enough space for proper storage, not even for school files.
There isn’t enough space for proper storage, not even for school files.

“We have had many politicians visit the school each time the matter was highlighted in the press, but nothing ever got done,’’ she said.

In January during the distribution of RM100 school assistance by then Deputy Federal Territories Minister Datuk M. Saravanan, parents had requested for a new building with proper facilities.

Following this, Saravanan announced the Government had allocated three acres of land in the Batu Muda people’s housing project (PPR) where the school would be relocated to.

He said the land belonged to the Education Ministry, and that it was ideal because it could accommodate a football field too.

Alice said there had been no news since.

Meanwhile, the Batu MIC division and its youth wing leaders have pledged to offer assistance and support for the online campaign.

Batu MIC division chairman Ramanathan Chinnu and youth chief D.R. Pala Kumaran have expressed their willingness to help the school board initiate the online campaign.

“This is a problem that involves the community and concerns the future of our children,’’ Pala said.

“I will push the authorities to speed up the procedures to secure the land promised to the school,” added Ramanathan.

St Joseph was built in 1924 on wooden stilts. Today, it still stands on the same wooden stilts. The school does not have a canteen, field, library, science lab or computer room.

Its pupils sit under trees during recess and have been doing their sports activities by the roadside.

In January, StarMetro reported that the owner of the land had asked the school to relocate.

The partially-aided school has five classrooms, 135 pupils and 15 teachers.


SJKT St Joseph’s plight highlighted AGAIN

January 21st, 2013
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I searched my own blog and found that SJKT St Joseph was in the limelight way back in January 2011. Its been 2 years since then, and we just at the stage of  “identified land for relocation” and “waiting for decision”. Aren’t we ashamed to say such things? By now the new building should be under construction lah!

The school boasts of high achievers who had gone on to be politicians, newscasters, businesswomen etc, but their alma mater is still like this.

This school is took the best SJKT award for best UPSR results and percentage of “cemerlang A” for 2012 (refer here). In my books this is a high performing school. Nothing much given, yet able to get some good results.

I hope we don’t read about the same problem in another 2 years time!


Stuffy: The store room doubles as a library but because of the lack of space, the pupils have to take their books outside to read them.

Stuffy: The store room doubles as a library but because of the lack of space, the pupils have to take their books outside to read them.

THE Tamil primary girls school in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur may be sitting on prime land in the bustling new township with modern facilities, but there is nothing modern or new about the school which still stands on wooden stilts.

Old, rickety and leaking, the 89-year-old SJK(T) St Joseph, like the proverbial grandfather’s clock, is still ticking, but barely. And parents are pleading for a new building with proper facilities for their children.

Built in 1924, the school does not have a canteen, field, library, science lab or computer room.

Termite-infested: The original facade of the 89-year-old school sits on stilts until today.
Termite-infested: The original facade of the 89-year-old school sits on stilts until today.

Its pupils sit under trees to eat their lunch and have been using the roadside for sports activities for the past nine decades.

What’s worse, matters have come to a head now because the owner of the land has told the school authorities to relocate.

“We are in limbo,” said the school’s parent-teacher association (PTA) chairman Alice Fatimah.

“The land belongs to the St Joseph’s church and they had allowed us to stay here all this time.

“Now, we have been told to move. We have been asking the government for a new site but nothing has happened,’’ said the 42-year-old.

The situation has made the school’s predicament worse as it is unable to even upgrade its faciltiesnow.

“We received some funds from the Education Ministry last year to repair the leaking roof and termite-infested building, but we do not know what to do now,” she said.

PTA deputy chairman Kobi Subramaniam said there was also talk that the school may be shut down for safety reasons.

“This has led to a drop in enrolment. We used to get 190 pupils per new intake but now, the number has dropped to 135,”’ he said.

Former student Parameswary Thanapal, 48, said she was disappointed that her daughter, Sanjena Kumari, nine, was suffering the same fate she did almost 40 years ago.

“There were no basic facilities then, no canteen, library or a proper toilet during the 1970s when I was schooling here. To see my daughter having to go through the same situation is just not right.’’

Sharing Parameswary’s sentiments is Vijaya Letchumi, 53, whose daughter had studied at SJK(T) St Joseph and now, her granddaughter is a pupil at the school.

“It breaks my heart that my daughter had to suffer such discomfort just to get an education and now, it’s my granddaughter. Things must change,’’ she said.

A check by StarMetro showed that the school is in a dilapidated state, with leaking roof and toilets.

The stilts that hold up the structure are termite-infested.

An old steel cabinet is the “Kedai Buku’’, while a storeroom has been turned into a mini library.

“As you can see, there is hardly space for the pupils to read here. They have to take the books outside and find a place to read them,’’ said Alice, adding that as there was no science lab, experiments were conducted in a classroom, posing danger to the children.

The school also does not have a computer room and the teachers staff room is cramped.

Despite these problems, school headmistress B. Valarmathi said the pupils were doing well in their examinations.

“We have produced high-achievers,” she said proudly, adding that some had even become politicians, newscasters and businesswomen.

“We have been judged as the best Tamil school in terms of academic results for several years in a row now,’’ she said.

“Imagine what these girls can achieve with better facilities.’’

The partially-aided school has five classrooms, 135 pupils and 15 teachers.

Meanwhile, Deputy Federal Terri-tories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk M. Saravanan said the government had identified a three-acre land near the Batu People’s Housing Scheme (PPR) in Kuala Lumpur to relocate the school.

He said the land belonging to the Education Ministry would be ideal for the school and could also accommodate a football field..

“We are waiting for a decision and hopefully, it will be positive,” he said.


Waytha requests to meet PM Najib Razak and PR leader Anwar Ibrahim

August 30th, 2012
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This is interesting. I wonder which of the requests will be successful. None, both or one of them? PM Najib may say he has the MIC and other NGOs, so why bother with Waytha and Hindraf. Or he may think that this is good opportunity to bring Hindraf into his side as its still has strong support in some areas.  Not sure about Anwar as he may agree to meet and nothing concrete may turn up.

Anyhow, I agree that much more could have been done all this while by both sides. They’ve been pussyfooting and doing small stuff and make its sound so grand.


Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) chairperson P Waythamoorthy, who returned to Malaysia earlier this month, has requested to meet Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim separately to discuss approaches to permanently addressing the socio-economic problems of marginalised Indians.

In a statement issued today, he said, “Hindraf believes all past and current approaches fall way below the power curve needed to resolve the problem permanently.

“It is also Hindraf’s belief that a permanent solution and the mechanics to arriving at the solution lies first in a proper definition of the problem, something we believe has eluded the policy-makers and problem-solvers up to now.

“To achieve this there need to be prerequisite political will. This is also another key element that has been missing in all past and current efforts”.

Yesterday,the movement delivered two letters to both leaders respectively requesting for the meetings.

Waythamoorthy said the meetings are to confirm first, the demonstration of that political will and then to work out the details and modalities for the solution.

“We are approaching this initiative with an open mind and are willing to talk to both the leaders as they both share the leadership of the governments in the country.”

‘We will let the people decide’

Waythamoorthy urged Najib and Anwar, who he calls “prime-minister-in-waiting”, to view this as an opportunity to demonstrate their seriousness and commitment to resolving the socio-economic problems of the marginalised Indian community.

“We have requested that both the leaders respond back within two weeks or by Sept 11 to our request for this meeting. It is also our intention to get the meetings going before the end of September 2012. We look forward to having these meetings.

“We will let the people decide on the respective attitudes shown by the leaders in their responses to our request. But we will go on, nevertheless, as we have ‘miles to go before we sleep’,” he added.

Waythamoorthy left the country soon after the Hindraf rally in November 2007 to take the movement’s campaign global. His passport was revoked on April 2008.

After nearly five years of self exile, he returned to the country on Aug 1 without a hitch.


Discrimination. What is it?

August 2nd, 2012
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Discrimination can exist in many forms. US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission lists age, disability, equal pay/compensation, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race/color,  religion, retaliation, sex and sexual harassment as types of discrimination at workplaces. (source)

Discrimination is defined as:  prejudicial treatment of an individual based on his or her membership – or perceived membership – in a certain group or category. It involves the group’s initial reaction or interaction, influencing the individual’s actual behavior towards the group or the group leader, restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to a group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making. (wikipedia source).

The same source above says UN’s stance is that “discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection”.

Can discrimination be good? For example, if KTMB offers discount cards to students and the senior citizens, isn’t it discrimination to the the other commuters who are not students or senior citizens? Can an individual complain or sue KTMB?

How about denying entry into an educational institution based on race or ethnicity? Is that discrimination? Perhaps no, if the educational institution is funded by groups with their own funds.

If a education institution selects students based on “status”, is that discrimination? If there’s quota, is that discrimination? Can it be justified by using economic status or lack of opportunities for some? If there are more females than males in universities, would a quota for female students be discrimination?

Have you seen vacancies asking for “Mandarin speaking” applicants? Isn’t that discrimination based on language? Or can the employer justify it by saying the position requires the knowledge of that particular language? Is Mandarin restricted to any one group only? Is it a workaround to hire Chinese candidate? Possible.

If we were to post “BM speaking applicants only”, would be discriminatory towards foreign workers who may not be fluent or certified in BM?

How about saying that only Muslims can be Syariah court lawyers? Is that discrimination based on religion? Or is it a requirement by the religion?

Can you choose not to hire a disabled person? Perhaps can, if the work involves physical activities that is hindered by the disability of the applicant. You can hire a visually challenged person to be a telephone operator, right?

Can you deny a disabled person the right to drive a vehicle? Possible, if it can be proven that providing the license may endanger the person or others due to the incapability of the disabled person to drive correctly.

By not having disabled friendly facilities in buildings, are the building operators/management being discriminatory?

When the salesperson chooses to ignore you, and approaches a “more realistic” potential customer, is that discrimination? (happens to me often, which can be a good thing after all!).

When Tamil drama is shown at 3.30am in national TVs, is that discrimination? When no programs for other communities are shown, is that discrimination? Can lack of budget be an acceptable excuse?

When provision for places of worships for some groups are not provided, is that discrimination?

When your colleagues seems to be drawing higher salary even though you are equally or more qualified, is that discrimination? Maybe yes, maybe no. Perhaps they negotiated well?

Not hiring married women because “they may get pregnant” is discrimination? How about penalising pregnant ladies by pressuring them, so that they will resign? Is that discrimination?

If the bus seat is not big enough, is the bus company discriminatory towards large-sized persons?  If the large size is due to genetics, then would it be discriminatory?

Wonder how its related to racism. Is racism a subset of discrimination? Seems to me its part of discrimination. Is discrimination same as marginalisation? Can discrimination be unintentional? It certainly can be institutionalised, made into laws.