55th Merdeka Celebration Logo

July 26th, 2012 by poobalan | View blog reactions Leave a reply »
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UPDATE 30/7/2012:  government says the official logo is the 1Malaysia logo and all others are promotional materials:

The move was announced by Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim earlier this morning over Twitter.

“To quell some misunderstanding we only hv 1Malaydia (sic) as logo for Merdeka n Hari Msia. There will be several promo  hihglights till th big day,” he said on his Twitter account, @DrRaisYatim.

“Tahun ini seperti tahun lalu tiada logo rasmi melainkan logo 1Malaysia. Cuma temanya ialah 55 Tahun Merdeka Janji ditepati. (This year as in past years there is no official logo save the 1Malaysia logo. Only the theme is 55 Years of Indepence Promises fulfilled.)

“Bahan hiasan (artwork) kini hanya paparan selingan bukan logo rasmi. Ada bbp bahan promo menjelang Hari Merdeka 31 Ogos dan Hari Malaysia. (The current artwork is only a variation of the illustration and not the official logo. There are several promotional items in the run-up to Independence Day on August 31 and Malaysia Day),” he added.

source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/putrajaya-axes-controversial-55th-merdeka-logo/

Embarrassment for the ministry and minister.


The collection of pictures below is quite interesting. Never knew a logo can be quite, well… exhaustive.

I guess we can be (un)creative and come up with such logo that don’t actually look like one 🙂

Definition of logo (wikipedia): A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark).

image source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/online-the-2012-national-day-logo-gets-a-drubbing/

If you read the article above, the logo is being mocked by some section of the design industry.

And we haven’t gone into the theme yet…

The logo’s explanation:

bendera Merupakan simbol negara Malaysia yang dicintai yang mempamerkan pencapaian cemerlang negara sejak merdeka. Merupakan kebanggaan setiap rakyat Malaysia kerana namanya kini terserlah di persada dunia.
bendera Melambangkan Kedaulatan Institusi Raja Berpelembagaan dan kedaulatan Negara yang telah dipertahankan sejak 55 Tahun.
bendera Melambangkan perpaduan utuh masyarakat Malaysia yang berusaha mencapai kemajuan (Maju) dan kemakmuran (Makmur) negara sejak dari awal kemerdekaan dicapai.
bendera Melambangkan keunikan, liku-liku serta cabaran yang dihadapi oleh para pejuang dan pemimpin negara dalam memperjuang dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan serta kedaulatan negara.
bendera Melambangkan kesungguhan dan komitmen kerajaan dalam menunaikan janji kepada rakyat untuk membawa kemakmuran, kemajuan, kehidupan dan peluang ekonomi yang terbaik.
bendera Mencerminkan rakyat Malaysia yang saling bersatu padu, bekerjasama, bermuafakat, berdikari, berfikir dan menghayati satu visi untuk membina satu Negara Bangsa.


source: http://www.malaysiamerdeka.gov.my/v2/ms/malaysiaku/galeri/tema-dan-logo-kemerdekaan-ke-55


I think can remove the flag (redundant) and the word “merdeka” (understood la, kan independence day celebration!). And some of the fonts are soooo…Microsoft Word! So, leaves you with the 1, “janji ditepati” and number 55.


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